
Information for Churches

Thank you for visiting our website. This section contains specific information for churches to connect with Jump! and how you can support us, and how we can help you link with your local primary schools. We truly value our relationships with local churches, which without, Jump! wouldn't exist - all our volunteers are members of local churches.

Visit the Home Page to find out more about us. Take a look at the Volunteers page to find about volunteering and how to receive regular updates from us and much more. If you want to find out more about the lessons and activities that we do in schools, please visit our Booking page.

Supporting Jump!

There are a number of ways that churches can support the work of Jump! Here are just a few.

Provide volunteers

The lifeblood of Jump! are our volunteers. If there are people in your church who would like to join the Jump! team please ask them to get in touch. We have volunteers who are church leaders, children's workers and members of the congregation. If they have a passion for teaching children and have the time to serve their schools we would be like to meet them. More information about volunteering can be found here.

Organise a JUMP! visit

We value all the support we receive from various churches, in funding, prayer and provision of volunteers, so we love coming to local churches and updating the congregation about our work. and maybe inspiring a few people to get involved with their local primary schools. 

The best way for us to communicate our work to your church is for us to come and visit. We are happy to fit around you but to give you an idea of what it could look like, here are a few examples:

  • A short update (e.g. 10 minutes) in the Sunday service
  • Being a part of special events (e.g. Mission Sundays, Harvest Festivals etc.)
  • A visit to a home group or other group that meets during the week

If you want to discuss any of these options please use the form below and someone will be happy to contact you.

Signing up to updates

Every term we produce a newsletter which we send by email and we hope to start a more frequent prayer update listing our bookings with schools. Signing up to receive these updates would be a great way for church leaders and church members to keep in touch with what we are doing. You can sign up to these here.

Financially supporting us

The work of Jump! is a relatively low budget, with simple but effective resources required to deliver a quality lesson. This does need financing and Jump! is currently seeking funding for it to continue it's work in 2020. Churches can support us financially through one-off gifts or a regular standing order. If this is something you wish to explore further, please get in touch using the form below.

JUMP! reps

Jump! reps are members of the congregation whose role it is to ensure their church are aware of Jump! and kept up to date. If your church doesn't already have one, this can be a great way of taking the burden off church leaders. For more information on Jump! reps, please get in touch using the form below.

Put an article about JUMP! in your newsletter

If you would like an article to put in your newsletter or church magazine, please do contact us and we will be very happy to write one for you.

Please feel free to contact us if you there is anything further you wish to know.

Tick if you want us to keep in contact via our mailing list